As the national voice for pork producers across the country, the Canadian Pork Council plays a leadership role in achieving and maintaining a prosperous pork sector.
Is a federation of nine provincial pork industry associations
Represents over 7,000 farms across Canada
Supports a $7 billion Canadian industry
Canadian pork producers leading the world in product quality, food safety, and demand, within a thriving and sustainable Canadian pork industry.
Together with provincial pork organizations, protect, promote, and advance the competitiveness of Canadian pork producers through delivery of high-value services and advocacy.
Our commitment to quality goes far beyond the nutritious and delicious meal on every plate. It extends to everything we do and how we do it. From humane treatment of our animals, to a respect for our environment and steadfast adherence to strict safety policies. Pork’s powerhouse of nutrition makes it an excellent food source as part of a healthy diet.
The Canadian Pork Council is structured as an incorporated, not-for-profit, national industry organization. Our Board of Directors is comprised of representatives from all nine provincial producer organizations.
COMING SOONAll of our pork producers take great pride in producing excellent meat for Canadians. On-farm programs continue to reflect the remarkable work of producers and meet the domestic and global consumer demand.
COMING SOONCanadian pork producers are committed to operating with the highest standards. This includes prioritizing animal health and food safety, while protecting the land and the environment.
COMING SOONThe Canadian Pork Council is proud to advocate for pork producers across the country. On our website you will find a variety of resources for all issues surrounding the industry.
COMING SOONIt is essential that the needs of Canadian pork producers be heard during national and international discussions surrounding the pork industry. Stay up to date with CPC news and upcoming events by signing up for our regular updates.